
Our Writing Curriculum 

What is the writing ambition?  

At Bridgeview, all pupils will be supported and encouraged to develop the skills as a writer. We acknowledge that the start of their writing journey will be different for individual pupils. Pupils will develop their writing basic skills, to minimise the barrier to other learning and opportunities across the curriculum. Bridgeview pupils will be able to express themselves and communicate their idea in a manner appropriate for the audience and purpose. We want to enable the pupils to write and communicate using a varied vocabulary within different contexts. We aim for all pupils to have more positive views and experiences of writing. 

Reading is breathing in and writing is breathing out.’ Pam Allyn  


What are the main elements in the writing process and how are these taught?  

At Bridgeview, we understand that writing is a complex process and can be difficult for many reasons.  Therefore, we focus on developing basic skills for a base level competency that the pupils can take forward into other learning and world experiences. 


Handwriting and letter formation 

Neat and legible handwriting is an essential tool to enable writing to be read and understood by the reader.  

However, handwriting can be a significant barrier to learning and for this reason we place a high priority on developing a simple, flowing pre-cursive handwriting style. 

In our discrete daily handwriting lessons, pupils are taught formation and joins in letter teams, through over learning, modelled and practiced sessions.  


Accurate and consistent spelling is a critical component of communication. 

At Bridgeview, whilst some children may be confident readers, many struggle to make connections and transfer their knowledge and awareness of word and spelling patterns into writing.   

Pupils at Bridgeview have a discrete weekly spelling lesson, which is appropriate to their stage of development and existing knowledge of spelling. There are additional opportunities for the practice and application of spelling in different contexts throughout the week.    



Composition is articulation and communication of ideas and the structuring of them in speech and writing for a listener and reader.  

Whilst we recognise the importance of writing for different purposes and contexts, Bridgeview pupils need additional support and scaffolding to achieve this as many new Bridgeview pupil are reluctant to write.  

The writing process is a simple, repetitive skill based 2-week cycle. It is based around a stimulus of quality literature, real events or real-life experiences.  Throughout the process there is a heavy focus on sentence structure, developing a wide vocabulary and the acquisition of grammar skills appropriate to the pupil’s stage in writing.  

It is essentials for our pupils to experience adults modelling the writing process frequently and to orally rehearse and articulate their ideas before they plan and write.  


Why is the development of quality vocabulary important for Bridgeview pupils?  

Vocabulary can be described as the glue that holds stories, ideas and concepts together.  It allows pupils to express their ideas and communicate effectively. However, this can be a significant hurdle for Bridgeview pupils, in both reading and writing.  To develop this, we promote the use and knowledge of key vocabulary across the whole curriculum.  In English, teachers carefully plan and model the use of more challenging vocabulary.  


How do teachers deliver an ambitious writing curriculum?  

At Bridgeview, there is an expectation that all pupils will write daily in their English lessons, with increasing quantity and accuracy. Pupils will be encouraged and motivated to write purposefully using high-quality texts and stimuli.  Our aim is that all pupils, by the time they leave our setting, will have acquired the fundamental skills and knowledge to transcribe and compose ideas confidently regardless of their previous writing experiences.   

How are staff trained in the development of writing?  

The Head of School and leadership team prioritise the development of the teaching of writing across the school. All teachers and support staff are regularly trained to assist writers at different stages of development, and support and challenge pupils effectively.   

“Reading is a strength of the school.
Pupils read widely and fluently and have many opportunities to read.”


“Pupils make rapid and sustained progress from their starting points, often reaching standards above those expected for their age.”


“Pupils make positive progress in both writing and mathematics and across the wider curriculum. “


“Outstanding leadership has led to rapid improvements in all areas of the school since the last inspection.”


“Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They are very well prepared for their next
steps in both education and life. “


“Links with other schools in the trust enable leaders to check the accuracy of their judgements and share good practice. “
