Venn Academy Trust
– Together we will…

Venn Academy Trust is a pioneering academy trust, committed to building educational environments where all pupils are inspired to become lifelong learners who achieve the very highest standards possible.

Collaborating with all partners, the Trust works with its unique settings to create world class learning experiences for all.

Our journey so far has been one of making a difference to the most vulnerable learners. Together we ensure we make a positive difference to the lives of the children and communities that we serve.

Our trust seeks to explore the qualities that make our pupils unique.

We aim to provide the best educational support and provision for young people in the Yorkshire and Humber region.

Further information:

“Reading is a strength of the school.
Pupils read widely and fluently and have many opportunities to read.”


“Pupils make rapid and sustained progress from their starting points, often reaching standards above those expected for their age.”


“Pupils make positive progress in both writing and mathematics and across the wider curriculum. “


“Outstanding leadership has led to rapid improvements in all areas of the school since the last inspection.”


“Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They are very well prepared for their next
steps in both education and life. “


“Links with other schools in the trust enable leaders to check the accuracy of their judgements and share good practice. “
