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#magpie class enjoyed creative drama. We chose dressing up items using EP2C, choosing between two physical choices and using CORE boards. Some students made masks to role playing supertato #treetops

#magpie class enjoyed creative drama. We chose dressing up items using EP2C, choosing between two physical choices and using CORE boards. Some students made masks to role playing supertato #treetops ...

In creative music, #magpie class used a CORE board and EP2C to select songs and then used streamers to dance to the action songs, developing gross motor skills #treetops

In creative music, #magpie class used a CORE board and EP2C to select songs and then used streamers to dance to the action songs, developing gross motor skills #treetops ...
“Reading is a strength of the school.
Pupils read widely and fluently and have many opportunities to read.”
“Pupils make rapid and sustained progress from their starting points, often reaching standards above those expected for their age.”
“Pupils make positive progress in both writing and mathematics and across the wider curriculum. “
“Outstanding leadership has led to rapid improvements in all areas of the school since the last inspection.”
“Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning. They are very well prepared for their next
steps in both education and life. “
“Links with other schools in the trust enable leaders to check the accuracy of their judgements and share good practice. “