At Treetops we believe that communication, language and literacy are key skills are a key priority and essential for all aspects of everyday life. CLL is a thread that runs across all areas of the curriculum.
Communication is important and incorporates the skills of being able to listen, pay attention, focus, engage, interact, play and understand what is being said.
We know that language is more than spoken words therefore our focus is on promoting meaningful interactions and developing positive relationships. Staff have become specialists at interpreting children’s efforts to communicate and offer them the most effective support to ensure they develop their skills.
Literacy helps us to understand the world around us through what we hear, say, see, read and write.
At Treetops our CLL curriculum offers children the opportunity to use effective communication that can be understood and supported by a people around them. It enables and encourages children to find and use their ‘voice’ and to enjoy and participate in language rich environment.
At Treetops we believe that the curriculum enables all children to be successful, make progress and achieve whatever their starting point or individual needs.
Children are grouped into classes based on development and needs. There are currently two classes of 7. This number will increase so that by Summer 25 we will have 3 classes and 24 children. Pupils all have communication and interaction needs and associated complex learning difficulties.
Our curriculum develops pupils’ independence and confidence with transferrable skills which will equip them for each stage of their education and later life.
The Treetops curriculum is an informal curriculum that is focused on communication, sensory-based learning, developing engagement through an immersive approach. This curriculum is specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the pupils at our school, who have a range of complex learning difficulties and disabilities.
The Treetops curriculum is designed to be aspirational and to provide our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to succeed, both within the school setting and in their future lives. While it is not directly aligned with the National Curriculum, it is closely linked to the broader aims and objectives of the National Curriculum, with a focus on developing core skills and knowledge in a way that is engaging, accessible and meaningful for our pupils.
The Treetops curriculum is underpinned by our school’s vision and values, which prioritises inclusion, personalised learning, and the holistic development of each child. Our curriculum is designed to support the diverse needs of our pupils, many of whom have complex communication difficulties, sensory processing challenges, and varying levels of engagement and attention.